Anatolian Current Medical Journal (ACMJ) is an unbiased, peer-reviewed, and open access international medical journal. The Journal publishes interesting clinical and experimental research conducted in all fields of medicine, interesting case reports, and clinical images, invited reviews, editorials, letters, comments, and related knowledge.

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Full Issue

Original Article - Thoracic Surgery

: 133 : 53

Citation : Buz M, Kahraman S, Özdemir A, Doğruyol T, Çimenoğlu B, Demirhan R. Lobectomy and pneumonectomy in patients over 70 years of age for the treatment of lung cancer: evaluation of surgical outcomes. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):191-197.

Original Article - Cardiology

: 341 : 76

Citation : Aslan M, Okşen D, Yavuz YE, Kaynak Ç. Atherogenic plasma index is associated with ischemic cerebrovascular events due to carotid artery disease. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):198-202.

Original Article - Cardiology

The relationship of serotonin level with syndrome X and coronary artery disease

: 114 : 41

Citation : Aktaş İ, Arı H, Demir M, Üstündağ Y. The relationship of serotonin level with syndrome x and coronary artery disease. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):203-209.

: 146 : 34

Citation : Doğan ME, Uluışık N. Analysis of maxillary sinus volume of a group of population living on the southern border of Southeastern Anatolia. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):210-214.

Original Article - Otorhinolaryngology

: 173 : 40

Citation : Duran A, Yücetürk AV. Long-term outcomes of cases after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty surgery: a retrospective study. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):215-224.

Original Article - Oncology

Adjuvant denosumab treatment in patients with resectable high-risk giant cell tumor of bone

: 460 : 52

Citation : Akyıldız A, Ismayilov R, Güven DC, Chalabiyev E, Abdurrahimli N, Aksoy S. Adjuvant denosumab treatment in patients with resectable high-risk giant cell tumor of bone. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):225-228.

Original Article - Pediatrics

: 136 : 46

Citation : Solmaz M, Orhan Ö. Evaluation of rabies risk contact cases Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):229-231.

Original Article - Internal Medicine

Etiology in resistant hypertension

: 111 : 50

Citation : Culha Y, Gülmez Ö, İşbilen Başok B, İşman FK, Oğuz A. Etiology in resistant hypertension. Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):232-239.

: 162 : 47

Citation : Kara E, İpek B. Dental caries from the past to the future: is it possible to reduce caries prevalence? Anatolian Curr Med J. 2024;6(3):240-247.