Anatolian Current Medical Journal (ACMJ) is an unbiased, peer-reviewed, and open access international medical journal. The Journal publishes interesting clinical and experimental research conducted in all fields of medicine, interesting case reports, and clinical images, invited reviews, editorials, letters, comments, and related knowledge.

EndNote Style
Letter to the Editor
Helicobacter pylori, non-Helicobacter pylori helicobacters and gastrointestinal diseases
I read with great interest your article titled “Evaluation of hematological parameters in the differentiation of bile reflux gastritis and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) gastritis in children” by Kıran Taşçı E., published in Anatolian Current Medical, 2023;5(4):445-448. H. pylori is a bacterium that remains significant due to its infection of approximately half of the global human population. Recent studies have noted that other Helicobacter species of animal origin can also infect humans. The diagnosis of H. pylori infection typically involves histopathological methods requiring endoscopy, but these methods may be inadequate for diagnosing other Helicobacter species. This text is written to highlight the limitations of histopathological methods in identifying non-H. pylori species and to emphasize the importance of considering their zoonotic nature. This letter aims to contribute to the relevant literature.

1. Zamani M, Ebrahimtabar F, Zamani V, et al. Systematic review with meta-analysis: the worldwide prevalence of <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> infection.<em>Aliment Pharmacol Ther</em>.2018;47(7):868-876.
2. Kıran Tas¸cı E. Evaluation of hematological parameters in the differentiation of bile reflux gastritis and <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> gastritis in children. <em>Anatolian Curr Med J. </em>2023;5(4):445-448.
3. Garza-Gonz&aacute;lez E, Perez-Perez GI, Maldonado-Garza HJ, Bosques-Padilla FJ. A review of <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> diagnosis, treatment, and methods to detect eradication. <em>World J Gastroenterol.</em> 2014;14;20(6):1438-1449.
4. Fox JG. The non-<em>H. pylori</em> helicobacters: their expanding role in gastrointestinal and systemic diseases. Gut. 2002;50(2):273-283.
5. Mladenova-Hristova I, Grekova O, Patel,A. Zoonotic potential of <em>Helicobacter </em>spp.<em>J Microbiol Immunol Infect</em>. 2017;<em>50</em>(3):265-269.
6. Cheng H, Hu F, Zhang L, et al. Prevalence of <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> infection and identification of risk factors in rural and urban Beijing, China.<em>Helicobacter</em>. 2009;14(2):128-133. </ol> <p>
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2024
Page : 397-398