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Evaluation of the satisfaction of relatives of patients being treated in the intensive care unit
Aims: There has been no previous study on the satisfaction of relatives of patients receiving treatment in the intensive care unit of our hospital. Our study was conducted to improve quality and service in our intensive care unit. A survey was conducted to evaluate the satisfaction of the relatives of patients receiving treatment.
Methods: The satisfaction of the relatives of the patients who were treated for at least 3 days in the 3rd Step general intensive care unit at XXXXX Training and Research Hospital between 01. February 2023 and 01. June 2023 was evaluated in line with the surveys. A questionnaire was given to each patient's relative by the attending physician to be filled out.
Results: 114 patient relatives participated in the study. 12 patient relatives did not agree to fill out the survey. 102 patient relatives filled out the satisfaction survey. Discussion: In our study, we think that patient relatives have confidence in the treatments applied to their patients and are satisfied with the skills and abilities of doctors and nurses.
Conclusion: Waiting room in intensive care unit conditions need to be improved.

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Volume 6, Issue 5, 2024
Page : 313-318