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The relationship between physical activity and self-esteem among Turkish university students: a gender perspective; a multidisciplinary and multi-center study
Aims: The current study aimed to examine the associations between physical exercise and self-esteem as well as other social-cognitive variables including self-efficacy and body image among Turkish university students.
Methods: Sociodemographic Information Form, short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Body Cathexis Scale, and General Self-Efficacy Scale were administered to 1167 students.
Results: There were significant gender differences in total, vigorous, moderate activity, and walking scores as well as body image scores in favor of male participants; while female participants had significantly higher self-efficacy scores. There were significant differences between sedentary, active, and very active participants in terms of self-esteem, and body image and between all groups in terms of self-efficacy. Also, there were significant and positive correlations between physical activity and self-esteem, and between body image and self-efficacy in university students.
Conclusion: Level of physical activity increased with age. This increased level of physical activity showed positive correlations with self-esteem, body image, and self-efficacy.

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Volume 6, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 17-22